The program “^1” is runs native on Power Macintosh computers. This version of KeyConfigure will not deputize the native portion of this program.[.KC-1100.]
The program “^1” is already keyed. Deputize a copy of the original installer if you need a new deputized copy.[.KC-1110.]
The script or data file “^1” is already deputized. This file can be used with any deputized installer that supports the original file.[.KC-1120.]
The script or data file “^1” could not be deputized. This file can still be used with deputized installers, but might also work with standard installers.[.KC-1130.]
The script or data file “^1” is now deputized. This file can be used with any deputized installer that supports the original file.[.KC-1140.]
This action will not make a copy of the script or data file “^1”. Please make sure you have a backup copy of this file before continuing.[.KC-1150.]
The program “^1” (^2) you are about deputize is not included in KeyConfigure’s list of known installers. Please notify Sassafras so we can add it to the list.[.KC-1160.]